Nonprofit Management

Nonprofit organizations are committed to a cause and are mission-driven. They cultivate relationships with allies, donors, and patrons to cultivate a broad network of advocacy. These efforts ladder up to the goal of uplifting individuals, families, and communities who might otherwise lack access to programs, services, and opportunities.

Dean Johnson Consulting understands that running a nonprofit of any size demands a unique orientation for achieving outcomes that are impactful and sustainable. We provide nonprofit leadership and management training for clients to better understand their distinct identities and the mechanics of their business and how to implement solutions that align with their mission.

We help our clients:

  • Develop and implement strategic plans

  • Conduct needs assessments

  • Enhance marketing and communications

  • Facilitate organizational development and rightsizing

  • Create a fundraising strategy

  • Advance board engagement, oversight, and fundraising

  • Build public/private partnerships

Colleagues in a conference meeting

Strategic Planning

Our firm helps nonprofit organizations develop strategies to identify their core competencies, increase fundraising, and improve community relationships and partnerships, in order to address challenges and identify opportunities.

From developing fundraising campaigns and engaging key stakeholders to community outreach, we will analyze your internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats to help you create a plan of action that achieves your leadership, fundraising, and operating goals.

Mission Statement, Vision, Values

Your organization's mission, vision, and values are the core and driving force. We will help you clarify and streamline processes and workflows to avoid mission creep and scale organization-wide effectiveness.

Needs Assessments

Needs assessments identify gaps in where an organization stands and where it wants to go. We help our clients develop roadmaps that leverage community needs and areas of growth by gathering input from members, staff, and community leaders (governmental, for-profit, educational, and nonprofit) to improve policies, programs, and services.

Nonprofit Marketing & Interpersonal Communication

Dean Johnson Consulting aids our clients in identifying their target market and communicating effectively with current and prospective constituents. We advise our clients on the best strategies for attracting and retaining new constituents and building brand loyalty.

Organizational Development & Rightsizing

Our firm works with clients to determine the optimum size and configuration of their organization and offers strategies to break down silos and enhance organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Financial Management

Dean Johnson Consulting aids our clients in building and managing operating budgets that address annual needs and are in synch with long-range plans, growth, and sustainability. We help our clients build budgets that demonstrate mission focus and good stewardship.

Nonprofit Fundraising & Board Engagement

We provide training to aid our clients’ board members in understanding their governance and fundraising roles, to improve volunteer satisfaction, community engagement, and organizational effectiveness.

Our firm will help you maximize your fundraising by developing a strategy that strengthens your ability to meet community needs, enhance organizational growth, and ensure sustainability.

Public/Private Partnerships

Dean Johnson Consulting uses our expertise in developing partnerships with governmental, educational, and community-based organizations to leverage finite resources to help our clients expand services to their communities. Our experience working with multiple partners to meet community needs is a win-win for all.

Contact us to learn more about our nonprofit management services and how our advisors can help elevate your organization.